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Saturday, June 7, 2014

I Love to Learn!

LEARNING! When you hear that word, what's your first reaction? If there is one thing I have learned in all my years of living, teaching, and learning.....I still need and LOVE TO LEARN! If you are a teacher and you think differently, you've got another think coming. I believe that the willingness and desire to learn new things is one of the primary factors in keeping  a teacher fresh and on top of their game. When we stop learning we become stagnant, grow weary, and we lose the joy of teaching. 

Unfortunately, I've discovered that not everyone shares my feelings toward the learning process. We were born with an innate desire to learn. Babies and young children are learning constantly and every new thing fills them with wonder. They are constantly seeking new experiences and asking questions. So what happens to the joy and wonder? Somewhere along the line, many children will lose that love of learning.

My goal is to help every person I work with find success in the learning process and gain confidence in their ability to learn. This success and confidence will eventually grow into a true love of learning!  

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